Saturday, April 08, 2006

John Travolta and Kelly Preston on "Scientology birth"

I found this article on the Malaysian Star today:

Movies > Movie Buzz

Hollywood couple John Travolta and Kelly Preston have spoken out in support of fellow Scientologist Tom Cruise and his fiancĂ©e, Katie Holmes’, controversial silent birth in the coming days, reports.

The heavily pregnant Holmes will be adhering to a Scientology rule and give birth without screaming obscenities or making loud noises.

Travolta insists that the birthing procedure, which has been mocked in the press over the past few months, isn’t like what people think it is.

He said: “There are unwanted emotions and pain that goes along with any birth.”

Meanwhile, Preston insists the Scientology-friendly labour doesn't forbid the mum-to-be from yelling out in pain: “Screaming is fine... It's the words. If you can avoid saying certain phrases and words... Just try to keep it as quiet as possible. Of course you're going to groan and yell. It hurts. Just keep it to a minimum.”

It's so odd that there is so much manufactured controversy on this subject.

The Church of Scientology International put out a media advisory on the subject last week. which I'm reprinting below:

Los Angeles — Church of Scientology International responds to inquiries concerning the application of Dianetics and Scientology principles to child birth.

What is a quiet or silent birth?

Having a quiet, gentle birth is all about providing the best possible environment for the birthing mother and her new baby.

It is labor and delivery done in a calm and loving environment and with no-spoken words by everyone attending as much as possible. Chatty doctors and nurses, shouts to “PUSH, PUSH” and loud or laughing remarks to “encourage” are the types of things that are meant to be avoided.

As L. Ron Hubbard, Founder of Dianetics and Scientology, wrote, “Everyone must learn to say nothing within the expectant mother’s hearing during labor and delivery.” And, “A woman who wants her child to have the best possible chance will find a doctor who will agree to keep quiet especially during the delivery, and who will insist upon silence being maintained in the hospital delivery room as far as it is humanly possible.”

Does this mean that a mother cannot scream or moan at all?

Of course they can make noises — the point of silent birth is NO WORDS. This is a principle of Dianetics and to fully understand why, read the book Dianetics the Modern Science of Mental Health, by L. Ron Hubbard. It is words that are the culprit. Outside of not speaking, the objective is generally to have as peaceful and relaxing an environment as possible for the mother and child. It is doubtful that any woman could give birth without making any noise at all.

Mothers naturally want to give their baby the best possible start in life and thus keep the birth as quiet as possible.

Does the application of these principles preclude a mother from using medicines?

The Church has no policy against the use of medicines to help a person with a physical situation. This, too, is up to the mother and her doctor.

For more information:

If you have any questions, or would like to speak with a representative of the Church of Scientology International about the above, please contact Pascal Cottier. Phone: (323) 960-3500 — e-mail:

To really understand the concept underlying silent birth one should read Dianetics books. There are two I recommend: Dianetics the modern Science of Mental Health and Dianetics: the Evolution of a Science.

This coming week, Scientologists all around the world will be out on the streets in their home towns giving stress tests and getting Dianetics books to people who want to learn about the subject. But if you want to get one right away, chances are it's in your bookstore or library.