Monday, August 22, 2005

L. Ron Hubbard - Study Technology In Full Use

Several years ago at an international Scientology event Mr. David Miscavige announced that Applied Scholastics International was going to be moving into a beautiful new campus in St. Louis Missouri, where any teachers, mentors, parents or tutors could come for training in L. Ron Hubbard study technology.

That dream came true in the summer of 2003.

Since that time educators from around the world have availed themselves of the training in L. Ron Hubbard Study Technology at Applied Scholastics.

Scientologists are very proud of the Applied Scholastics staff, and support this program whole heartedly as we know that it is only by helping the individual become more able - one by one - that we enable this planet to live in peace and prosperity.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Scientology Volunteer Ministers - A True Legacy of L. Ron Hubbard

L. Ron Hubbard's brilliance and humanity are unparalleled. Nowhere is that more evident than in the Scientology Volunteer Ministers program.

There is so much in Scientology applied religious philosophy that can be easily learned and implemented by anyone, and it works true miracles.

The most basic of these techniques were compiled into a book called the Scientology Handbook. It is so valuable because literally anyone who can read can open the book (or read it online at and start, right away, to help people.

Compare that with what you read in the news. Bombings, suicide terrorists, terrible accidents, war. The Volunteer Ministers program is the reverse of these violent and destructive acts. And, it can reverse the effects of these scourges.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Scientology Tenets Gain Public Note

I found a good article about Scientology in the Fort Wayne Journal by Nancy Vendrely. Here are some highlights.

"Officially titled the Church of Scientology International and headquartered in Los Angeles, the church calls its beliefs 'an applied religious philosophy.' The church’s Web site defines Scientology as 'the study and handling of the spirit in relation to itself, universes and other life,' and states that 'Man is a spiritual being endowed with abilities well beyond those he normally envisages.'

She quotes Scientologist June Dold as saying:

"A person practices Scientology techniques so as to become more aware spiritually. "

The article goes on to say:

"Scientology defines God or the Supreme Being as the eighth dynamic. Each individual is expected to reach their own conclusion through religious practices. It evolves over time as you come to understand each of the dynamics. People come to their own awareness about God."

June Dold describes the Scientology handbook and says the emphasis in the Scientology religion "is on the application of exact methodologies in order to bring about change in the conditions of an individual’s life. The aim is to put a person into a condition where he can be more self-determined and live a happier, more fulfilling life . "

She also says: "I am more aware of myself as a spiritual being. I’m a happier person, more confident, relaxed, peaceful. … I used to be living for myself. Now I’m aware and considerate of other people. I used to be shy; now I use the communication techniques. In Scientology, you have to want to improve your life; you have to face your past."

Monday, August 15, 2005

Great Quotes from L. Ron Hubbard

There are some excellent short articles by L. Ron Hubbard online.

For example, one called "Accent on Ability" (which is online in English, French, Italian, German and Spanish)

Another is the essay Clean Hands Make a Happy Life, where L. Ron Hubbard makes a compelling argument for living ethically and in harmony with ones fellows.

This too is in English, French German, Italian and Spanish.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Scientology Churches

I've been to many Scientology churches, and it is always a surprise to me how friendly and helpful they are. As a matter of fact, when I first found out about Scientology and went in to find out about it at a Scientology mission in New York I couldn't believe these people "were real."

Coming out of the harsh, often catty, competitive and rude environmnet I was living in, where stress was a total way of life, and entering this place was like a shock.

But after being there for a while I realized just how real these people really were!

Mr. David Miscavige recently gave a talk, at an International event, where he quoted something L. Ron Hubbard wrote about Scientology churches where he called them Islands of Sanity.

This is so true.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

One Legacy of L. Ron Hubbard

In my last posting I spoke about a recent event I attended at the Church of Scientology of Los Angeles, where Mr. David Miscavige described the activities of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers last January and February following the tsunamis.

Tens of thousands of people were trained to deliver Scientology assists (they are described really well in the Scientology Handbook) and I was amazed to find out that literally hundreds of thousands of people received assists from Scientology Volunteer Ministers and thousands of local residents were trained in these techniques.

These people have been able to get on with their lives.

Anyone who is interested can visit their local Scientology church and see the DVD presentation by Mr. David Miscavige that describes what the Scientology Volunteer Ministers did. Just ask to see the International Association of Scientologists DVD that was filmed aboard the Freewinds in June 2005.