Sunday, December 10, 2006

Human Rights Day, 2006

December 10: Today we celebrate the 58th anniversary of Human Rights Day.

On this important day for mankind, the Church of Scientology International renews its commitment to strive to make human rights a reality for all, regardless of nationality, social status, race, color or creed.>>continued

Friday, December 08, 2006

According to the article on Scientology in the US Navy Chaplain web site:

The Scientology religion was developed by American author and humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard. It came from his lifelong passion to assist man to achieve a higher plane of civilization and existence. Mr. Hubbard was not only a writer, one of the leading lights of the Golden Age of science fiction in the mid-1900s, but a true Renaissance man — who was a recognized explorer with membership in the prestigious Explorer's Club, a captain of corvettes during World War II, and fully versed in 21 different professions.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Pearl Harbor - 65 Years Later. Have We Learned Anything From it?

If there is any lesson to be learned from remembering the gruesome start of a horrendous war, I think it is that war is psychotic and resolves nothing.

Was there any progress made? Are we now more humane than we were before? Do we live in peace in a world of brotherly love and trust? Hell no.

So what was the point in all that killing?

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Santa's naughty list now officially includes any kids that take or promote drug use. On December 1st, 2006 Santa Claus was officially sworn in as a "Drug Free Marshal" along with hundreds of other parents and children at the 13th annual Winter Wonderland in Clearwater. Joe Brady, former lieutenant of the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office and past president of Fraternal Order of Police, did the honors. >>

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

David Miscavige Opening Speech at this year's IAS Event

I was so impressed by Mr. Miscavige's IAS speech this year.

You should go into an Org or Mission and tell them to play it for you if you haven't seen it yet.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Volunteer Day 2006

The world is factually driven by the benevolent actions of people the world over who help their fellow man.

Here is to all of us, who live to help.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

David Miscavige Announces the Release of the Clearing Congress Films of L. Ron Hubbard

On 17 March, 2006, Mr. David Miscavige took the stage before a capacity house at Clearwater’s Performing Arts Center where Scientologists from all over the world had come, joined via telecast by tens of thousands more in every geographic zone to celebrate L. Ron Hubbard’s birthday, mankind’s greatest friend. >>

I watched these DVDs and the product achieved in the remastering of them is incredible. Mr. Miscavige described the whole process in his speech at the release event, but you have to watch them to believe it.

I had seen these films first on reel to reel movies, then in video format and now it is amazing. You feel so close to Ron when you watch these movies.

And the information on them is priceless.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Why Read a Scientology or Dianetics Book?

You've probably heard a good deal about Scientology.

And I wouldn't be surprised if you know a Scientologist.

If you do, chances are you like the person and may have been curious about why he or she is a Scientologist

The best way to find out is to get a book.

The one I recommend are Dianetics the Modern Science of Mental Health
I was just reading Jettero Heller's Engineering a New Worldblog.

He certainly has an ecclectic taste. Blogs about the most interesting things.

Check out this posting about architecture in Dubai.

And stay around for a while an enjoy the blog.

Jet blogs a lot about Scientology and has some very interesting things to say on the subject.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Recent Wedding News

THE wedding is over, but the news still abounds.

It was a fairy tale wedding. The kind every girl dreams of. And why not?

Why shouldn't dreams come true?

And here they are as they are leaving for their

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

David Miscavige Interview

I ran across this interview of David Miscavige on YouTube. I saw it in 1992 and it was great to see it again.

David Miscavige is a natural leader, but what he's accomplished in the last 20 years since he became Chairman of the Board of RTC (Religious Technology Center) is remarkable.

And I think the reason he is so successful is that he applies Scientology 100% standardly.

Scientology Weddings

There has been lots of interest in Scientology weddings, with the recent marriage of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes.

As a Scientology ministers I have performed many weddings in the past. And the thing that differentiates a Scientology wedding from any other marriage ceremony is that it offers advice to the couple to help them create their marriage and keep it bright, alive and full of the same joy they are experiencing on their wedding day.

That tool is a discovery of L. Ron Hubbard called "The ARC Triange." Pronounced A- R- C not "arc" it stands for Affinity, Reality and Communication.

Here is a link to an article on ARC that tells what it is all about and how it works.

And here's a clip of the Today show where they talk about the wedding (prior to it happening) and what the service is like.

Monday, November 13, 2006

A great video on what Scientologists believe.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Church of Scientology Mission of Aurora

I just found a web site for the Church of Scientology Mission of Aurora.

They post the following on their contact information:

"We are located on the northeast corner of Iliff Ave and Interstate-225 in the 7 story Forum Building our address is 14001 E Iliff Ave Suite #302 [in Aurora, CO].

"The Mission is open Tuesday thru Thursday 7pm - 10pm and Saturday 9:30am - 3:30pm

"Feel free to email us

"or better yet we would love to speak to you our number is 303-725-4620"

Sunday, October 29, 2006

David Miscavige and the IAS Anniversary Event

I have to say David Miscavige outdid himself at the IAS (International Association of Scientologists) event.

I saw it last night and I was impressed!

First of all I've never seen a crowd like that. They are holding the event in a huge tent now that must seat about 10,000. It is really huge and was totally filled up.

Next, his intro speech just hit me where I live.

The event must have been about 3 hours long and I was riveted to it through the whole thing.

Here's just one example of how cool the event was.

There are three new IAS-sponsored Public Service Announcements for The Way to Happiness which you can watch online at

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

London Scientology Life Improvement Center

In addition to the new church on Victoria Street, the old Church on Tottenham Court Road has been totally refurbished and made into a Life Improvement Center.

Two years ago David Miscavige gave a briefing at L. Ron Hubbard's birthday event where he explained the emphasis on creating big churches with lots of room for public services. The whole point is to make every bit of LRH technology available to the community and make it very easy for people to avail themselves of this help.

It's something that is very important to me, personally, and I'm thrilled to see this happening. I'm also delighted that we've kept the Tottenham Court Road building, which is a great location.

Monday, October 23, 2006

David Miscavige Drives the Message Home about Scientology

"We are about to drive home the message 'This is Scientology ' like you have never seen," said David Miscavige , chairman of the Church of Scientology (sic.) [David Miscavige is actually the Chairman of the Board of Religious Technology Center.]

So reports Robert Booth on Saturday in the Sunday Times - a story that got picked up internationally.

And Sunday's grand opening was everything Mr. Miscavige promised.

The Scientology Press Office announces the news as follows:

With thousands of Scientologists, local residents and officials in attendance, the new Church of Scientology of London opened its doors.

Mr. David Miscavige , Chairman of the Board of the Religious Technology Center and leader of the Scientology religion , stressed the historical importance of London. "This is the city L. Ron Hubbard himself [founder of the Scientology religion] selected as home to the first Scientology organization. This is also the city wherein he first defined the human spirit as an immortal being possessed of capabilities beyond anything predicted, and so arrived at the axiomatic truths on which the whole of Scientology is founded. Your early London organizations were also the original proving ground for the bulk of Mr. Hubbard’ s social betterment programs which are used to uplift neighborhoods just like this one."

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Church of Scientology opens new London HQ

The news of the Grand Opening is all over!

Here's one story from Associated Press:
It was rumoured Cruise would attend the ceremony but he did not show.

The Church of Scientology unveiled its new London headquarters today with a grand opening ceremony.

The religion, which counts Hollywood stars Tom Cruise and John Travolta among its followers, is expanding its British operation.

It has bought and refurbished the former home of the British and Foreign Bible Society, latterly the offices of BP, for its new HQ.

The five-storey Victorian building in the City of London is a stone's throw from St Paul's Cathedral and stands next door to an Anglican church, from where parishioners emerged after their Sunday service to watch the proceedings with some bemusement.

Several hundred Scientologists, including church dignitaries and assorted VIPs, braved the driving rain for the outdoor ceremony.

They listened to an address by Scientology leader David Miscavige, whose arrival was greeted with whoops and cheers from the crowd.

Mr Miscavige described the occasion as "momentous".

Scientology founder L Ron Hubbard chose London as home to the organisation's first offices.

Mr Miscavige said: "This day will go down in history. Of all the foreign lands where LRH lived and worked, he called England home.

"This is the city wherein he first defined the human spirit as an immortal being possessed of capabilities beyond anything predicted and so arrived at the axiomatic truths on which the whole of Scientology is founded."

Other speakers at the event included United Nations peace envoy Dr Iftikhar Ahmed Ayaz, who praised the faith and told the crowd: "It is my personal belief that this church can restore what this world has lately lost."

Kevin Hurley, divisional commander of the local Snow Hill police station welcomed the church to the City and said its members were "raising the spiritual wealth of society".

The ceremony began with a procession by the London Scottish Regimental Pipe and Drum Band and ended with an explosion of red, white and blue tickertape.

Afterwards the public were invited inside to discover more about the work of the Scientologists.

One room is devoted to the accomplishments of Hubbard - described as an explorer, writer, naval officer, humanitarian, artist and philosopher.

Video screens and exhibitions explain the various Scientology programmes, which include anti-drugs courses and a campaign against the perceived evils of psychiatry.

Among the guests who did attend was Hollywood actress Anne Archer, whose roles include Michael Douglas's wife in Fatal Attraction.

Archer was raised a Christian Scientist but joined the Church of Scientology in 1976 and credits it with turning her life around.

She said: "I met some people who I observed to be very sane and who said some very interesting things. I later found out they were Scientologists.

"At that time I had some problems in my life and I went for my first auditing.

"The change was so remarkable and so quick. I went from feeling utter despair to positivity within two weeks."

Archer conceded that Scientology has received a bad press but said: "All new ideas are criticised but we are doing remarkable things."

Friday, October 20, 2006

Beatiful Site and Beautiful Book on the Scientology Volunteer Ministers

I found out about this beautiful book and incredible story when I visited one of my favorite blogs today, the Scientology Volunteers blog on

I'm amazed I didn't run into this site earlier. I had to share it with anyone who visits my site!

Danish photographer and feature writer Thorsten Overgaard traveled 12,000 miles throughout South East Asia after the tsunami, a virtual fly-on-the-wall, documenting the day-to-day lives of the Scientology Tsunami Relief Team Volunteers. "After The Tsunami" presents in detail a behind-the-scenes look at relief work when everyday western people - from the a real estate agent from Germany to a student from Los Angeles - leave behind families, studies, careers and businesses to help strangers in crisis, whom they only know from media reports.

Overgaard gives a very personal message about the project here:

"The wrong thing to do is nothing."

That is a quote from L. Ron Hubbard that resonates as a profound truth for me and how I think and how I work.

My two biggest regrets in this life were (and are) that I didn't drive to Berlin the night the Berlin Wall fell and that I didn't go to New York after September 11. In both cases I had a strong urge to go, but something in me said, "be sensible."

We all carry an urge in us to reach out and do something as well as a voice urging us to be sensible and behave as if everything wrong is somebody else's problem.

In the instance of the tsunami in South East Asia my urge to reach out and help conquered all my fears of strange diseases, pictures in my mind of dead bodies floating in a sea of chaos and a generally low knowledge about Asia and the people living there.

496 Scientologists from all over the world as well had that strong urge to reach out and help their fellow men. Strong enough to have them arrive in Asia. To them the After The Tsunami project is dedicated.

As a volunteer from Los Angeles said "Home in LA they [asians] were just somebody living on the other side of the highway. I never talked to any, nor knew their problems in life. Now I know many people here with whom I have personal relations. People I have helped and who will be my friends for the rest of my life."

If you think about it for a while, isn't it strange that a person from LA travels to Asia to help? When in the middle of it, the answer to the question "What are we doing here?" is quite obvious. When in Asia, being able to help people in a crisis like this - there is no more important thing to do in life.

As Herbert, a real estate agent from Germany said after he had been in Sri Lanka for two months: "I left my real estate business just after New Year and came here. Both my wife and my partner in the real estate business understood and support me. My partner takes care of business while I'm here. He has to. As long as there is somebody here I can help, I'm staying."

Part of the story is that every single person on the Scientology Tsunami Relief Team have not only uprooted their life, income and whatever projects they were in the middle of at home. They have also paid the cost of their flight ticket themselves. And they continue to pay the costs of their daily expenses; approximately $26.00 per day that goes to a bed, some food, transportation and telephone cards necessary for internal communication between teams. >> continued

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A Wikipedia with ethics? It's About Time

Wikipedia founder plans better version

Better controls

By Nick Farrell: Wednesday 18 October 2006, 08:51

LARRY SANGER, One of the co-founders of Wikipedia, has spelt out his plans for a more reliable version of the online encyclopaedia.

Speaking to ZD Net, Sanger said that the rival site called Citizendium will user registration and editorial controls to govern user-submitted articles.

He said that while Wikipedia had grown and the articles are remarkably good given the system that is in place, there are a number of problems that needed to be resolved.

Sanger said that Citizendium will weed out trolls from posting obscenities or biased information. It is not clear if the Everywhere Girl will be allowed to exist in this new patch of cyber space or whether she will be killed off by some kid with a pseudo-penis fetish.

Citizendium will be a "fork" of the open-source code of Wikipedia. It will replicate the existing database of articles and then evolve.

Sanger said that the move will not kill off Wikipedia, but will try and create something better.

If you're like me you love Wikipedia for the accessibility of instant facts. Except when those facts are opinions and obscure the picture with people's peronal agendas.

So I am very happy to hear that Larry Sanger is back and he's got a real encyclopedia in mind.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Anti-Poverty Day

I saw this map on

This is a map of the populations of various countries living on $1 per day or less.

Green is 2-5%
Light Green is 6 - 20%
Yellow is 30-40%
Orange is 40-60%
Red is 60-80%

There are resources and there is technology to solve this, just as there are resources and technology to reverse the damage we are doing to our environment.

These are issues we need to address -- real, urgent human rights issues.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Muhammad Yunus took the risk and came on top

Thanks Creativexpressions blog for posting this great editorial on Muhammad Yunus' Nobel Peace Prize.

Here's someone who has not only made a huge difference to the lives of the individual people he's helped and the economy of the region, but he's set an example that can be used to reform the economic inequities that keep whole segments of the society in never-ending poverty.

There are so many people who would improve their lot if they only had a chance.

Case in point. Living in Los Angeles there are many undocumented workers in the area. Lot's of jokes and slander about Mexican workers who come to California to try to eek out a living here, when they can't support their families at home.

Yet these are hard-working men and women who are dedicated to helping their families.

I remember, years ago when I was in my 20s, I was working at a restaurant. I earned pretty good money in tips, and had no commitments so I could spend my money on whatever I liked.

One day I struck up a conversation with one of the men in the back - a dishwasher.

Do you know what he did with him money (and mind you he got no tips at all). He lived off of 20% of his earnings and sent the rest home to his family.

I found that so shocking.

I was slumming in the restaurant - between careers, sort of hanging out for lack of anything else to do. And here was this man really working hard to take responsibility for his family.

If we were to implement sane solutions such as Dr. Yunus' more broadly, we would not have "immigration problems," because we would make it possible for people in every country to thrive.

Our open border problem is only a problem because of financial inequity which we have the power to change.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Mr. David Miscavige and the IAS

The IAS is the International Association of Scientologists.

David Miscavige is traditionally the keynote speaker at the IAS event - a celebration that is held at Saint Hill in the United Kingdom (L. Ron Hubbard's home during the late 1950s and early 1960s).

Mr. Miscavige is not only an inspiring leader, he is also a great speaker, and the IAS event is probably the Scientology event I enjoy most each year, because I am very passionate about the humanitarian activities of the Scientology religion, and these are featured at this event.

Friday, October 13, 2006

The truth about Scientology

Somebody put up a site with an excellent set of FAQs on Scientology.

Check it out: Scientology FAQ

Thursday, October 12, 2006

How Old are You?

I'm so old that...

Well, I'm not old enough to brag about how old I am, but I'm old enough to remember that Columbus Day used to be celebrated on October 12th --- before the age of long weekends.

Happy Columbus Day.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


I just found Jenny's post about the Heroism Project.

Thanks for the tip. Great site!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

What is Scientology?

Since I get asked the question, "What is Scientology?" pretty frequently, I thought I'd post what the Church says on the Scientology News site.

What is Scientology?

Scientology :

is a religion which recognizes that man is basically good and offers tools anyone can use to become happier and more able as a person and to improve conditions in life for himself and others, and to gain a profound understanding of the Supreme Being and his relationship to the Divine. Developed by L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology technology provides exact principles and a practical technology for improving spiritual awareness, self-confidence, intelligence and ability.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

This is Scientology - presentation by David Miscavige

There is a wonderful presentation by Mr. David Miscavige called "This is Scientology."

It is an overview of the Scientology religion, and it is an excellent way to introduce someone to Scientology.

It can be purchased online and it an excerpt of the speech is online on the RTC web site.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Taking on the Drug Companies

I'm not usually one for big money class-action law suites. I find American big bucks claims pretty disgusting, actually. Even before I read Grishom.

But if these guys can take down big Pharma the way they blasted the tobacco industry, I wish them the best of luck.

Anyone who would seek to make money off of harming kids, creating "disabilities" so they can market drugs to "cure" them -- I'm all in favor of taking them down.

Here's a great publication by Citizens Commission on Human Rights to learn about the side effects of drugs.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Congratulations to George F. Smoot of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley, Calif., and John C. Mather of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. who have won the Nobel Prize in physics for measuring the oldest light in the heavens, a feat described as "one of the greatest discoveries of the century" that convinced skeptics of the big-bang theory of the universe's origin.

They will share the $1.4 million prize equally for their groundbreaking work.

The full story is on the Washington Post Online edition.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

69% of all Americans are Online

I saw the stats tonight and I was absolutely shocked to find that more that two thirds of Americans are online.

I think that's great.

So much access to information, and so much potential communication!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Speech by David Miscavige at the Grand Opening of the Church of Scientology of Johannesburg

South Africa Ascendant

When the Church of Scientology of Johannesburg moved to its new church a few years ago it was the start of a new era for southern Africa.

L. Ron Hubbard is quoted as saying "“From Southern Africa will spring the next great civilization on this planet....”

The Church of Scientology of Johannesburg is dedicated to accomplishing a better life for the people of Africa and accomplishing this dream, stated by LRH.

In his speech, David Miscavige said:

"It is my honor to address you, to walk in a land where L. Ron Hubbard laid so many milestones and on this, your milestone day. And for the greater meaning of just why this is a milestone day, in fact, an historic one, it follows from the history of Scientology in Africa."

He went on to explain the special significance South Africa held for L. Ron Hubbard during the very turbulent years of the late 1950s and early 1960s.

"It's a history extending back more than 40 years, but an era not so very different than our own. Instead of hot wars in the Middle East, it was cold war across the US, Europe and Asia. Instead of impending terrorist strikes, it was saber-rattling with intercontinental ballistic missiles.

"So quite in addition to all other reasons to form a new church and bring the help Scientology brings everywhere, LRH envisioned a special role for this nation as a point of safety to yet salvage man no matter the potential devastation at the hands of a madman.

That's why he descended on Johannesburg, in 1960, to take the helm of a fledgling Church. But if those were his reasons for embarking to South Africa, it took on a whole new meaning when he arrived. For what he found was a land representing both all that is good in this world, and all that is bad.

In terms of the bad, a single word said it all, apartheid and the suppression of virtually every indigenous people, perpetrated by the same psychiatric ideologies that laid 6 million to rest under the banner of eugenics during the second World War. But beneath that surface, that obvious suppression he found something far more significant: An unbroken tradition of spiritualism extending back to the very dawn of man."

The full text of Mr. Miscavige's speech can be read on the Church of Scientology of Johannesburg web site.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Thomas Jefferson on Religious Tolerance

"Say nothing of my religion. It is known to God and myself alone. Its evidence before the world is to be sought in my life: if it has been honest and dutiful to society the religion which has regulated it cannot be a bad one."

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Scientolgy Volunteer Ministers Goodwill Tours

There is another very interesting story about the work of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers Goodwill Tour at Kin Men Island on the Scientology News web site today.

Kin Men island is a tiny place, and the work they are doing seems to be making quite an impact.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

International Day of Peace

I think the Internatioanl Day of Peace is a very important celebration.

We may be far from having acheived international peace, but it is activities like this that bring all of us together as a human family, where we acknowledge that our similarities as human beings far outweigh our differences.

All but the most depraved among us wants peace.

Let us all work together, to do anything we can, to accomlish it.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Scientology and Children

L. Ron Hubbard put a great deal of emphasis on helping children, treating them as people - not as some other kind of entity that has no rights.

He always emphasized communication.

I've seen this to be so effective.

There's a great section about children in the Scientology Handbook

It has great tips on how to live with kids and how to help them blossom and grow up self determined and confident.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Mr. David Miscavige Describes Ideal Scientology Organizations

At the Grand Opening of the Church of Scientology of Buffalo, David Miscavige explained why we are so intent on building huge new Scientology churches in every city -- so they can really help the community.

Mr. Miscavige said:

" we look down these streets, we can speak of unemployment, we can speak of the need for renewal, we can speak of all else that plagues every part of this world in terms of addiction, illiteracy, criminality and immorality not to mention economic instability. But, if we do, my friends, let's not speak in terms of those "problems". Let's speak in terms of "solutions"—solutions for that which can solve every one of them. Because what drives it all is the individual—the forgotten worker and our prominent leaders.

If revitalization is what we seek, then let's help revitalize the individual himself. For the Scientologists of Buffalo, the church that stands before you is something we have dreamed about for decades."

" stands the central organization to bring our solutions of drug rehabilitation, education, morality, not to mention even more groups, centers and missions to every community of the Buffalo area.

"And that's the story of churches like this one world over, and they are coming very fast."

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Mr. David Miscavige
Acknowledges the Scientology Volunteer Ministers

Why do Volunteers Burn Out?

People want to help. But how frustrating is it when you use your own precious free time with the idea of helping people and it just doesn't work?

Anyone who has tried to help friends or family members has run into this phenomenon: You see someone who obviosly is in trouble, or he or she comes to you for advice. You are distant from it and can see so clearly what they should do to improve the situation. But you suggest it and they tell you - no and give you one or five and 50 reasons why it can't work.

Or what about this: You have a friend or family member who has experienced a terriby loss - a love affair gone wrong, the death of a dear friend or a sister or husband - or even worse, the death of a child. Maybe they think they're to blame for it. If only they had.... You see their lives change before your eyes. The enthusiasm and joy of living is gone. They are encased in a universe that resonates with the loss. What can you possibly do to help them?

No wonder there so many organizations are plagued by volunteer burnout. They put time and money into training volunteers only to have them disappear after a year, a month, a week.... It's just not viable.

That's what is so differenet about the Scientology Volunteer Ministers program. Because it uses the Scientology Handbook, the volunteers it trains have the skill they need. When you see that your help IS help, when you can see that the people you help feel better, are more confident and actually change their lives for the better because of what you have given them.

After 9/11, David Miscavige, Chairman of the Board of Religious Technology Center, called upon all Scientologists to increase their committment to improving society. Scientologists DO have a technology that covers such a broad range of subjects, from improving relationships to overcoming iliteracy, and ever the skill to help people overcome the emotional and spiritual factors in of trauma and illness so a person can heal faster and overcome losses and get on with their lives. With that knowlege comes a commensurate responsibility. After all, if you had discover the cure for HIV/AIDS and then didn't USE it, how could you live with yourself while millions whom you could save, died.

In his speech called This is Scientology, delivered at the Church of Scientology Celebrity Center International in August 2004, David Miscavige described the Scientology Volunteer Ministers program to an audience of over 2000 leaders in the fields of the arts, entertainment, commerce and government. Mr. Miscavige described the Scientology Volunteer Ministers program to them in these terms:

"The final word, as regards our front-line work bringing our help wherever and whenever needed is our corps of 30-thousand Scientology Volunteer Ministers — on call, 24 hours a day in scores of nations."

He goes on to say:

"They have become internationally known and recognized for what has been described as spiritual first aid, and to that end they are ready and organized to respond to any disaster — 'man-made' or by force of nature."

Mr. Miscavige sums it up with the following:

"And it's all with no desire or wish for anything in return — other than the satisfaction of an indiscriminate act of kindness and compassion.

"That's how, and why, just since 9/11, our Ministers brought personal aid, one-on-one, to over 1.7-million people.

"So when it comes to helping those in most desperate need, we not only know we can help, we are doing something about it."

In the two years since he gave this speech the Scientology Volunteer Ministers have responded to disasters all over the world and tens of thousands of new Volunteer Ministers have been trained and hundreds of thousands more helped.

And why do they keep helping? Because they CAN!

Friday, September 15, 2006

I loved this article on the Scientology Volunteer Ministers in Fiji.

I've been fascinated with the South Pacific since I was a child.

My father had a recording of the Broadway show "South Pacific."

Then a few years later I saw the movie and cried for days at the sad ending (I can't even remember now what the ending was -- I think one of the heroes must have died).

A few years after than I saw Paul Gaugin's paintings of Tahiti and was mesmerized again.

And a bit later I read "Mutiny on the Bounty" and again was captivated by the tropical islands of the South Pacific once more.

Now there's a Scientology Volunteer Ministers Goodwill Tour traveling through the Pacific Islands and I expect I'll be following their progress whenever there is news.

I think it is just terrific that the VMs are going through the South Pacific.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Heading into Fall

Summer is fading and Fall is upon us.

Not that you'd ever know in LA, Los Angeles being a nearly monotone climate year round.

I remember when I first came to LA.

I'd been living in upstate New York. Winter starts in mid-October and ends around the first week of May, and the summer, though fleeting, is so beautiful it makes it all worth it.

I came to LA in March.

I had the hardest time placing anything in time for years, because when I looked back at some event, I couldn't tell when it happened. I realized I had been classifying all my experience with a weather tag -- (Oh that happened in November - I can tell because the leaves were brown but still on the trees and the snow wasn't sticking yet.)

In LA I had to devise other ways to recall when something happened.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I thought this was a great that this little story of a Volunteer Minister showed up on the Scientology Press Office web site.

It's not a major story. It's just the kind of thing that somebody who cares does to help his/her fellow man.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

What beautiful children. I found their photo on the Scientology Press Office web site.

The"Say No to Drugs" initiative gives kids like this a real chance to stay drug-free by proofing them up against the barrage of pro-drug propaganda they will get in a few years - and anything it takes to help these kids is worth the effort.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Scientology Volunteer Ministers in Kin Men

The Scientology Press Office published this beautiful photo with a story of the VM Asian Goodwill Tour.

I figured she'd be beatiful, but...

All parents and family members think their baby is the most beautiful in the world, but in this case this one really is. Here's to baby Suri!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

There is a thriving community of Scientologists in Taiwan. There's an intersting story on the Scientology Handbook site on the work one of the Scientology missions there is doing to help children stay off drugs. >>

Scientology Press Office

If you want a real treat, check out the Scientology Press Office. It has a brand new look and feel and it ROCKS!

Thursday, August 31, 2006

In Nelson Mandela's famous speech, I am prepared to die, he stated:

"During my lifetime I have dedicated myself to this struggle of the African people. I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die."

I am very happy he didn't have to die to make the point. South Africa is a living example of what one man can accomplish toward humanitarian goals.

The Scientology Handbook

The Scientology Handbook web site has been redesigned.

And it's terrific.

Much easier to navigate, and they've added news of how the Scientology Handbook is used - particularly by Scientology Volunteer Ministers.
The Individual Vs. the Group

I had a friend who once told me that it doesn't matter what you do for the individual - that it's the group that matters. He wasn't interested in getting better or in helping people - just in overthrowing the government.

He wasn't really much of a friend. As a matter of fact he was pretty crazy.

And I've since come to realize how completely wrong he was in terms of the individual vs. society.

It is individuals, and particularly a few great men and women, who create our civilization. It is the single person who treats others well and works hard to get decent products and who genuinely cares and helps others that make it possible for our civilization to go on.

There have been many great people in the last hundred years or so.

I categorize L. Ron Hubbard at the top of the list for what he has done for so many millions of people and for the legacy of his technology and what it means to the future.

Here is a list of some of the people I consider to have made the greatest contributions to mankind in my lifetime:

L. Ron Hubbard, Founder of the Scientology religion.
Ghandi, the father of the non-violence movement and
Martin Luther King Jr. who used non-violence to government-sanctioned oppression of African Americans in the United States.
Nelson Mandela who brought down Apartheid and returned his people to dignity and self-rule
Pope John Paul who was an infuence for kindness and decency not only to his own church but to the whole world.
David Miscavige, who, as Chairman of the Board of Religious Technology Center, has preserved the Scientology scriptures in their true, accurate form, ensuring that Mr. Hubbard's legacy to mankind is preserved and in full and exact use.

One oblog I enjoy reading is Creative Expressons

Here's an interesting point she made this week about human rights:

Child Rights

I learned something I never knew from reading the Human Rights Watch web site tonight.

"The United States is one of only two countries in the world that have not ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Somalia –a country without an internationally-recognized government–is the other. The Children’s Rights Division has focused its efforts on U.S. practice in three areas that fall measurably short of standards included in the Convention on the Rights of the Child — conditions for children in the justice system, detention of children by the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), and the use of children as soldiers."

Here is the most shocking fact in this article — there are 2,225 youth offenders currently serving life without parole in the United States.

“Human rights must be made a fact, not an idealistic dream.”

L. Ron Hubbard

Religion4life said:

I remember clearly when I first read Dianetics.

I was REALLY not doing well in life at the time, and my best friend's brother, who was a Scientologist, gave me his copy of the Dianetics book.

He told me a bit about it, and I almost didn't read the book. I knew life was so much more complicated than he was telling me.

But I liked the guy, and he was so sure, I figured what harm would it do to read the book. I didn't really expect much from it.

Boy was I wrong.

This one simple book - even just the first 100 pages or so -- answered SO many questions for me!

And, amazing as it may sound, the more I study it the more simple life gets.

And the more fun, too.

It reminded me how much I gained from reading the Dianetics book the first time!
One Year Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina

It hardly seems possible that a year has gone by since Hurricane Katrina.

Of course, to the people of the region I'm sure it is very real.

At several international Scientology events, David Miscavige has specifically brought up the work the Scientology Volunteer Ministers did to help the people of the region.

This is certainly something to be very proud of!

Scientology Volunteer Ministers personally helped over 70,000 people, delivering hundreds of tons of life-saving supplies, reuniting families, and assisting hundreds to find new homes and jobs.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Cruz praises Scientology for anti-drugs work

Here's a terrific article on Penelope Cruz views of Scientology

07/08/2006 - 08:45:55 Penelope Cruz has praised her ex-boyfriend Tom Cruise's controversial Scientology religion for helping

Penelope Cruz has praised her ex-boyfriend Tom Cruise's controversial Scientology religion for helping "thousands" of drug addicts find sobriety.

Narconon, an in-patient rehabilitation programme for drug abusers based on a doctrine by Scientology founder L Ron Hubbard, claim to have a success rate of 70%, although an independent Swedish research study found such rates as low as 6.6%.

During her two-and-a-half year relationship with her Vanilla Sky co-star, Cruz read many books on the religion, of which Cruise is a devout follower.

She explains: "I have read a lot of books about it and some of those things I have studied have helped me with things in my life. I would feel bad with myself if I didn't say that I was grateful to it because of what I learned about it.

"A lot of my friends have been helped by their programme - they have the most successful anti-drug problem in the world and they deserve a lot of credit for it.

"They have places everywhere. It is amazing because it is about helping the person find the reason why they started in the beginning instead of creating guilt."

Cruise claims to have helped dozens of people conquer their drug addictions through Scientology programmes, saying: "I think it's appalling that people have to live a life of drug addiction when I have personally helped people get off drugs… I have an easier time stepping people off heroin then I do these psychotropic drugs."

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Church of Scientology of San Diego, Human Rights Campaign

The Public Affairs Director of the Church of Scientology of San Diego is working to promote the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to combad trafficking in children for sexual purposes in his city.

Here's a bit from a press release he posted recently:

Across the globe today, an estimated 1.2 million children are trafficked each year as a commodity for exploitative labor or sex slavery, at any given time over 300,000 child soldiers — some as young as 8 — are exploited in armed conflicts, and 115 million primary school-aged youth are out of school. The need for broad-scale human rights education could not be more urgent.

I think it is really admirable that he and his church are doing this.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Why I Help

I've always loved helping people, but I didn't always know how.

As a Scientology Volunteer Ministers, I DO now, and it makes it much easier to reach out to people when you are confident you can do something for them.

Monday, August 14, 2006

How to Improve Conditions in Life Course

On the Scientology site there is a description of a course anyone can take to learn how to improve conditions in life. Here's the description.

"Conditions in your life either improve or get worse. They don’t stay the same.

"Have you had a career setback? Do you have a worsening relationship with someone? Have you been stopped from achieving your goal? A worsening condition in any area of your life can bring you down and send your whole life sliding toward failure.

"There is an exact technology for improving conditions in life — any condition. The How to Improve Conditions in Life Course reveals the secrets of spotting accurately the true condition of anything or any relationship, and guides you through exact, proven steps to improve it.

"Exactly followed, the precise formulas on this course bring results not otherwise possible. Don’t let failures and setbacks ruin your life. Start today towards a better life. Begin this course now!"

This is such a simple course, but it is also really effective.

Improving conditions is a basic concept in the Scientology religion.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Shoah Foundation

I learned about the Shoah Foundation about a year ago. I am very impressed by the work Steven Spielberg has put into creating a legacy of tolerance.

To accomplish the intention "never again" requires human rights education.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Improving Society

I chose this name for my blog because I really believe that if everyone worked on improving society, one person at a time, we would have a far better world.

My father used to say I was just being an idealist and that the world is just heading down and is going to stay down. My sister used to tell me that things were already getting better and it would take care of itself. My father's views were just defeatist. My sister's simply didn't match with what I saw around me.

So I just get on with helping people and doing as much as I can to improve things.

That's what I love about the Scientology Volunteer Ministers program -- it provides effective tools through the Scientology Handbook that empowers anyone to improve things around himself/herself.

With over 6 billion people on Earth, that's a lot of individual help that's needed to improve society. But if everyone can just grab the ball so we all help each other out it wouldn't take that long to make this place a decent place to live.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

VM wrote:

Needed -- Real Solutions

In his speech at the Grand Opening of the Church of Scientology of New York, Mr. David Miscavige made a very important point. Mr. Miscavige said:

"...the high technology of this 21st century science can't yet prevent war. And what about the terror alerts that are a part of everyday existence?

"The upsets at home that are so common it's considered a routine part of life? Or what about raising a child today? If it's not the drugs, then it's the all too common worry that they'll actually get an education.

"The answer to this planet's problems will not be found in the material. Of this there can be no question.

"For if those solutions can't prevent war, nation to nation, how then can it be expected to answer questions like love, happiness or compassion?"

There are effective Scientology solutions to each of these problems.

Anyone wanting help is welcome to come to the Church of Scientology of New York. We're open all day, 7 days a week.

Other speeches by Mr. David Miscavige at church Grand Openings:

Church of Scientology of San Francisco
Church of Scientology of Spain
Church of Scientology of Buffalo
Speech at Church of Scientology of Johannesburg and article about the event.

I really agree.

I watch TV or crack open a magazine and if the ads are any measure of how people are doing we are in pretty rough shape. The psychiatric drug ads are pandering on the fact that most people don't live the happy lives of the rich and famous. Most people have trouble at work, can't get along with the boss (or have a stupid employee who always get them in trouble) wonders if her husband will keep her around when her cellulite hits a certain level or will he trade her in for a more Victoria Secret-esque model. Most people are worried about their kids or are beyond being worried.

And the pity is that the pain and turmoil from things like this don't have to be that way at all. In fact there isn't a thing I wrote about above here that can't be handled with Scientology.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

I'm sharing this post from because I think it is very important indeed:


Amnesty International reports that "In the past week some 300 Lebanese civilians, including dozens of children, have been killed and hundreds injured in a large-scale bombing campaign by Israeli forces" and "Hizbullah’s armed wing, for its part, has killed 15 Israeli civilians, including three children, and injured hundreds in rocket attacks into Northern Israel, as well as 14 soldiers."

But while this is enforced or negotiated, there will be no permanent improvement until the underlying causes are addressed.

To begin with, these actions on both sides are a clear violation of the human rights of all civilians in the area.

Without respect for human rights there is no restraint an external body can enforce.

But the real source of the conflict is described in an article by L. Ron Hubbard, printed in Freedom Magazine. This article called The Cause of Conflict" bears repeating here.

The article states:

"Violence and conflict amongst individuals and nations have been with us for ages and their causes have remained a complete mystery, a mystery finally solved in Scientology. "If Chaldea could vanish, if Babylon turn to dust, if Egypt could become a badlands, if Sicily could have 160 prosperous cities and be a looted ruin before the year zero and a near desert ever since—and all this in spite of all the work and wisdom and good wishes and intent of human beings, then it must follow as the dark follows sunset that something must be unknown to man concerning all his works and ways. And that this something must be so deadly and so pervasive as to destroy all his ambitions and his chances long before their time. "Such a thing would have to be some natural law unguessed at by himself. "And there is such a law, apparently, that answers these conditions of being deadly, unknown and embracing all activities. I don't want to reprint the entire article here, but any one serious about handling this conflict should read it here.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Lots of news on the Scientology Volunteer Ministers front.

There is a new Goodwill Tour firing from Auckland New Zealand, which will go to Fiji and other islands in the South Pacific.

It's great to see this happening!

You can read the article on the Church of Scientology of New York web site.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Human Rights in the 21st Century

I was pretty shocked to hear, recently, that there is more human trafficking being done now than ever occurred during the days of the.

According to "During the eighteenth century...the slave trade accounted for the transport of a staggering 6 million Africans" in the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

A year ago, Condoleezza Rice stated, "We estimate that up to 800,00 people are trafficked across international borders every year, millions more are trafficked internally."

I am an advocate of human rights education as an entrance point to changing this and other horrendous human rights violations that are going on right now in this "enlightened era" on our planet.

One thing anyone can do to help this is to promote the new human rights PSAs created by Youth for Human Rights International and the Church of Scientology International.

These are up on Youtube and I Tunes - search for "Youth for Human Rights."

If anything will get through to people on the subject of human rights, these ads will.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Scientology Churches Support the UN Day Against Drugs

Scientology churches around the world are taking action today to promote drug-free living.

The Church of Scientology of Tampa, for example, has this news piece on their web site today:

"At a time when illegal drug trafficking generates as much money as the oil industry — upwards of $400 billion a year internationally — and America's taxpayers now pay more than $100 billion as a consequence of illicit drug consumption, Scientologists are dramatically stepping up their two-decade-long efforts to tackle the spread of drug abuse at its source. Leaders of the Church of Scientology International's "Say No to Drugs, Say Yes to Life" campaign are calling upon community leaders and concerned citizens to join initiatives organized in major cities around the world in observance of the United Nations' International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on Monday, June 26. >> more on the Church of Scientology Tampa web site

There is more news about Scientology anti-drug programs on the Scientology Press Office web site

Monday, June 12, 2006

Dianetics - Ignite your Potential

I love the new slogan for Dianetics the Modern Science of Mental Health. and I think the idea of the Scientology publishing house sponsoring a NASCAR car is brilliant.

I never realized how popular NASCAR was until the sudden rush of media that came as a result of this announcement.

Bridge has put up a new web site called Dianetics Racing.

The site has links to some of the recent media and will be updated regularly with news about the races.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Creative Expression

I just found a new blog to go on my favorites. Creative Expression blog

She (I think it's a she) blogs about various things in the arts, and also about Scientology

There's an interesting connection. Here's what L. Ron Hubbard had to say about the field of Art:

"ART is a word which summarizes THE QUALITY OF COMMUNICATION."

This is part of an essay called "Art" which can be read in full here:

And since so much in Scientology deals in communication and improving one's level of communication, it makes sense to me that so many artists who become Scientologists end up doing far better in their careers.

Today Creative Expressions writes about a particular event at the Scientology Celebrity Centre in Hollywood -- an anniversary celebration a couple of years ago when David Miscavige gave his now-famous speech called "This is Scientology."

Mr. Miscavige describes not only the activities of Scientologists to improve conditions in society but he goes into some of the most basic principles of the Scientology religion. For example:

"Contained in the body of Dianetics and Scientology are answers to those age-old questions — Who am I? What’s the purpose of all this? And, What happens when I die?
The direct answers are: You are a spiritual being, distinct and separate from a body. You have lived lifetime after lifetime and will live again. You are seeking to survive for yourself, your family, group, mankind, the physical universe, and to survive as a spirit. And only when you have fully achieved that level of enlightenment can you truly understand the Creator."

This speech is available to be viewed in full in a DVD entitled "Mr. David Miscavige Presents "This is Scientology" which can be purchased online and can be watched at any church of Scienotology.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Adams is proof that dreams can be rekindled

Nice article on Bob Adams.

Bob is a spokesperson for the Church of Scientology International.

One-time scrawny kid muscles his way into county sports Hall of Fame
By John Horgan, STAFF WRITER

Bob Adams is living proof that first impressions are not always accurate. Far from it. Adams, a slight, skinny kid as a youngster at El Camino High School back in the early 1960s, gave up on football prior to his senior year.

He was too small and slight. The sport didn't appear to be a good fit for him. That all changed when Adams matriculated to the College of San Mateo. A coach, Stu Carter, saw Adams lifting impressively in the CSM weight room and noticed how he had filled out.

Carter urged Adams to give football another try. He did and the rest, as they say, is history. Adams played for CSM for one season, went on to what is now the University of the Pacific and wound up with a solid and productive seven-year career in the National Football League.

Adams, who lives now in Southern California, will be inducted into the San Mateo County Sports Hall of Fame June 22 at the San Mateo Elks Lodge.

The 18th annual event is presented by The Times and sponsored by the First National Bank of Northern California.

That fateful spring 1966 conversation with Carter is still embedded in Adams' memory 40 years later.

"It was like I had broken through," he recalled recently. "I realized that football was what I wanted all along. It was all about purpose. I actually had a pent-up energy to play. I was so excited I was walking on air."

Adams had been on the CSM track-and-field team and played basketball as well. But he was searching for something else to satisfy his competitive juices. It also helped greatly that Adams, whose father had died when he was 16, had grown from a 5-foot-7, 149-pound high school junior to a strapping 6-foot-2, 205-pound collegian in the short span of three years.

At the local two-year college during the 1966 football season, Adams played tight end. Following that campaign he got a call from a former CSM coach, Doug Scovil, who was then running the College of the Pacific football program in Stockton.

"I was intending to go to UC-Santa Barbara to play football and try out for the track team," Adams said. "There was no scholarship. Then Coach Scovil called." He had a full scholarship for Adams. It was a perfect fit.

One of his close friends, Walt Harris, another El Camino/CSM football player (and a member of the County Sports Hall of Fame), was already playing for Scovil. And the financial inducement was too good to pass up.

Adams played two seasons there. In his senior year, 1968, he was captain of the COP offense. By that time, he was 6-2 and 218, and still growing. He wasn't drafted by the NFL. He signed a free agent contract with Pittsburgh for the princely sum of $15,000. He got a $1,000 signing bonus as well.

His first pro coach was also a rookie, Chuck Noll. Adams didn't remain with the Steelers, who would become a dominant NFL entity under Noll's guidance in the 1970s. In his final season with Atlanta, Adams earned $54,000.

He has had a number of careers since then. He has been a teacher, an author, a consultant in the high-tech industry and the owner of a Redwood City fitness center. Now, he is a communications executive with the Church of Scientology in Hollywood.

His advice for young people is pretty simple: "If you have a dream and it gets re-kindled, the fire can still be there. Don't give it up. I had lost sight of my dream. But I found it again."

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The King was Born on Monday

I read such a cool story on the Welcome to My World blog about Isaac Hayes and his wife Adjowa. Adjowa just gave birth to a new whose name means "The King Born on Monday." What a beautiful name. Here is my wish to the family -- I wish that young Nana Kwadjo's life is one of happiness and accomplishment and that he lives up to his great name!

According to E-Online:

"Isaac Hayes and wife Adjowa welcomed son Nana Kwadjo Hayes into the world Apr. 10, according to spokesman Rob Moore. The baby boy tipped the scales at eight pounds, five ounces.

"As Tom Cruise's Suri before him, the unusual tot name requires some translation. Per the Associated Press, Nana is the Ghanaian word for "king," while Kwadjo means "boy born on Monday." (Bypass the calendars: Apr. 10 did indeed fall on a Monday.)

"The Shaft singer likely gained inspiration for the moniker during one of his goodwill trips to the African country. In 1992, Hayes was crowned an honorary king of Ghana's Ada district thanks to his humanitarian deeds."

These humanitarian deeds included introducing the nation to the study technology developed by Scientology founder, L. Ron Hubbard.

Isaac Hayes is a Freedom Medal Winner, awarded by the International Association of Scientologists.

Here is a brief statement from Isaac from the What is Scientology? site.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Dianetics Anniversary Event

I attended the Dianetics Anniversary Event last night and it was great. There was a huge crowd (in Los Angeles) and it was great to hear the news.

Although I first read the Dianetics book many years ago, it is still new to so many people, and I what is wonderful to see is how much this book still changes the lives of thousands of people every week, who come to learn of it.

Here's a little something about what Scientologists are doing to make the Dianetics book broadly available to people. It's from Creative Expressions blog:

Dianetics Books and the Church of Scientology of New York

New York is the greatest city in earth.

As Mr. David Miscavige said at the grand opening of the Church of Scientology of New York, "New York is the hub of everything from American Publishing, to fashion, the nation’s financial capital and epicenter of global trends, not to mention the international center for entertainment and media. And all in addition to the most diverse culture on earth, which sets the trends across every generation and spectrum of life."

But it is also the city where the Scientology Volunteer Ministers program took on a new dimension, with the help rendered to the emergency teams at Ground Zero.

And New York Scientologists have inspired the world in the way they have made the Dianetics book available to everyone in the city, by providing free stress tests and book booths all over town.

Here’s more on the Volunteer Ministers at Ground Zero from the newsroom and more about Mr. David Miscavige from the Religious Technology Center web site

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Mission Impossible 3

What a great movie!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Interesting new blog

I just noticed a new blog called David Miscavige - International News.

The desciption of the blog is:

"As the driving force behind the worldwide program to expand all of the churches of Scientology to better serve their communities, Mr. David Miscavige has traveled extensively addressing hundreds of thousands of Scientologists and non-Scientologists at international Scientology celebrations and events."

It goes on to say:

"An active Scientologist for most of his life, Mr. David Miscavige has been involved with nearly every aspect of the Church's activities for many years and worked closely with Mr. Hubbard. He has worked tirelessly to protect the religion. He authored the early 1980s reorganization of Church corporate and management structures which have given the religion years of sustained growth and stable leadership. Mr. David Miscavige has served as RTC's Chairman of the Board, its most senior position, since 1987.

"As the driving force behind the worldwide program to expand all of the churches of Scientology to better serve their communities, Mr. David Miscavige has traveled extensively addressing hundreds of thousands of Scientologists and non-Scientologists at international Scientology celebrations and events."

Monday, April 24, 2006

Scientologist Giovanni Ribisi has a picture story today about famous Scientologists. This is what they say about Giovanni Ribisi.

"Actor Giovanni Ribisi, whose credits include 'Saving Private Ryan' and 'Lost in Translation,' has said, 'Without Scientology, I would be in an alley somewhere, looking for drugs.'

As with many Scientologists in the entertainment industry, Giovanni Ribisi is an active member of the Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre.

For a very good overview on the Scientology religion I recommend watching the presentation of Mr. David Miscavige called This is Scientology or reading the excerpt of the presentation that is on the Religious Technology Center web site.

Chick Corea on Miles David and Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard

With Chick Corea in Canada on a tour promoting his newest album, ran an article on him featuring his ideas about his career and those who influenced him most.

Here are some excerpts from the article:

"It's not often you hear the names Miles Davis and L. Ron Hubbard in the same sentence.

'"Freedom to communicate, and freedom to think how you want to think -- to me that's the area where artists operate," says Corea. "I got that from Miles, and I learned it from Scientology."'

'"Scientology has enabled me to understand and develop my own strengths and to write music more quickly," he says. "It also helped me to become freer to create as I want to, not how others think I should."'

"In the 40 years since his first recording as leader, Corea, 64, has turned out almost 100 albums, picking up 45 Grammy nominations and playing with the top names in jazz along the way."

"Looking back, Corea says that when he first heard about Scientology from another musician in 1968, he was unsure where to go next with his music, or how to make the most of his talents.

"I began to use L. Ron Hubbard's ideas about artistic expression and communication to enhance my own abilities," he says. "That was when I really began to compose and do my own thing."

"'Taking your idea of Scientology from newspapers is like learning about jazz from newspapers,' he says impatiently. "If you want to learn about jazz, you buy some Duke Ellington and John Coltrane records and you go to see some music played live. You go to the source.

'If you want to learn about Scientology, you read a book by L. Ron Hubbard, you go to a Scientology bookstore and talk to the people there. You observe with your own eyes and make up your own mind.'"

Although Chick lives in Clearwater, Florida now, he used to live in Los Angeles where he regularly attended services at the Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre. It is more usual now to see him at the Scientology spiritual headquarters in Clearwater or the Church of Scientology of Tampa.

For Chick's Canadian fans, I recommend a visit to the Church of Scientology of Toronto.

Chick is also a supporter of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers program.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Scientologists Active in Drug Prevention

Many Scientologists are active in drug prevention programs.

An example is the Church of Scientology of San Diego. As with many Scientolgy churches they have a program called the Drug-Free Marshals. This is a program aimed at helping children make the right choices about drugs.

The harsh reality is that kids as young as 7 and 8 are taking street drugs. It's important to get them information that will help them make sane decisions.

To learn more about Scientology anti-drug programs visit

Thursday, April 20, 2006

"Silent Birth": Separating Reality From Myth, Church Of Scientology International

I was surprised to find this article tonight on
Main Category: Pregnancy News
Article Date: 20 Apr 2006 - 0:00am (PDT)

Los Angeles - Church of Scientology International responds to inquiries concerning the application of Dianetics and Scientology principles to child birth.

What is a silent birth?

Having a silent birth is all about providing the best possible environment for the birthing mother and her new baby.

It is labor and delivery done in a calm and loving environment and with no spoken words by everyone attending as much as possible. Chatty doctors and nurses, shouts to “PUSH, PUSH” and loud or laughing remarks to “encourage” are the types of things that are meant to be avoided.

As L. Ron Hubbard, Founder of Dianetics and Scientology, wrote, “Everyone must learn to say nothing within the expectant mother's hearing during labor and delivery.” And, “A woman who wants her child to have the best possible chance will find a doctor who will agree to keep quiet especially during the delivery, and who will insist upon silence being maintained in the hospital delivery room as far as it is humanly possible.”

Does this mean that a mother cannot scream or moan at all?

Of course they can make noises - the point of silent birth is NO WORDS. This is a principle of Dianetics and to fully understand why, one should read the book Dianetics the Modern Science of Mental Health, by L. Ron Hubbard. It is words that are the culprit. Outside of not speaking, the objective is generally to have as peaceful and relaxing an environment as possible for the mother and child. It is doubtful that any woman could give birth without making any noise at all.

Mothers naturally want to give their baby the best possible start in life and thus keep the birth as quiet and peaceful as possible.

Is it a Church rule that members must adhere to this practice and is there a specific routine?

A woman's choice of for her delivery is completely up to her and her doctor. There is no requirement to adhere to any specific routine. Just like care is taken in all other aspects of labor and birth, a woman and her doctor or midwife and any others present work out how to communicate without words. Different women have done different things.

Does the application of these principles preclude a mother from using medicines?

The Church has no policy against the use of medicines. This, too, is up to the mother and her doctor.

These principles do not preclude a mother from receiving any medical procedure needed to safely deliver the baby, including c-section. These are medical decisions.

Does the “no word” dictate still applies after the baby is born?

It only applies if a child is in pain or traumatized. Of course parents will keep the newborn in a safe and peaceful environment. From birth forward, a child needs all of the love and affection it can possibly get.

How are doctors reacting to the method?

Doctors respect the right of a mother to choose her own birthing experience.

Quiet birth is not a medical model but is a religious and philosophical approach based on L. Ron Hubbard's research into the mind and spirit which he published in 1950 in Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health.

L. Ron Hubbard discovered the single source of stress, worry, self-doubt and psychosomatic illness, which is the reactive mind. This part of the mind records all perceptions in times of pain and unconsciousness and in particular, words spoken during these moments can have very adverse effects on people later in life.

Who else is advocating silent birth?

A decade after the publication of Dianetics, a number of popular natural childbirth methods evolved from the principles of a calm, quiet and relaxed birthing environment and little or no anesthesia.

Two of the most well-known and followed were the Bradley Method developed by Dr. Robert A. Bradley and the Leboyer Method developed by the French obstetrician Dr. Frederick Leboyer.

The Leboyer Method includes dim lights and gentle handling without sudden movement that may jar or startle the baby.

Bradley urges darkness and solitude, quiet, physical comfort and relaxation. He also teaches exercises and muscle relaxation for labor with slow, deep breathing, take-your-time approach in a quiet, unlit, pillow-laden environment. In a 1965 he made the statement that: “We warn husbands to be quiet and not disruptive, to rub the back between contractions.”

Additionally, a study done in Sweden and released in 1998 found that “minimizing pain and discomfort to the infant during birth seems to be of importance in reducing the risk of committing suicide by violent means as an adult.”

Does the Church have a dictate concerning the raising of children?

There is a lot written in Scientology about children. Scientology helps people understand their basic nature and this alone helps parents tremendously.

Scientologists consider children to be spiritual beings, like all people are, but they need to be taken care of as children. They need respect, love, help, and education. They want to help others from a very early age and it is important that adults allow them to do so, within the realms of safety. A child has to know they have a place in life, that they are important and that their contributions are meaningful in a real way.

Education is an important part of this, as a child needs understanding of the workings of his family and society to be able to contribute to them in meaningful ways and in this he can be greatly assisted by his parents and other family members.

Some of the basic principles Scientologists apply to parenting are summed up in the following quotes from L. Ron Hubbard:

"Today's children will become tomorrow's civilization. Try to be the child's friend. It is certainly true that a child needs friends. Try to find out what a child's problem really is and without crushing their own solutions, try to help solve them. A child factually does not do well without love. Most children have an abundance of it to return."

"The spoiled child is the child whose decisions have been interrupted continuously and who is robbed of his independence."

"Affection could no more spoil a child than the sun could be put out by a bucket of gasoline."

“A good, stable adult with love and tolerance in his heart is about the best therapy a child can have.”