Creative Expression
I just found a new blog to go on my favorites. Creative Expression blog
She (I think it's a she) blogs about various things in the arts, and also about Scientology
There's an interesting connection. Here's what L. Ron Hubbard had to say about the field of Art:
"ART is a word which summarizes THE QUALITY OF COMMUNICATION."
This is part of an essay called "Art" which can be read in full here:
And since so much in Scientology deals in communication and improving one's level of communication, it makes sense to me that so many artists who become Scientologists end up doing far better in their careers.
Today Creative Expressions writes about a particular event at the Scientology Celebrity Centre in Hollywood -- an anniversary celebration a couple of years ago when David Miscavige gave his now-famous speech called "This is Scientology."
Mr. Miscavige describes not only the activities of Scientologists to improve conditions in society but he goes into some of the most basic principles of the Scientology religion. For example:
"Contained in the body of Dianetics and Scientology are answers to those age-old questions — Who am I? What’s the purpose of all this? And, What happens when I die?
This speech is available to be viewed in full in a DVD entitled "Mr. David Miscavige Presents "This is Scientology" which can be purchased online and can be watched at any church of Scienotology.