Amnesty International reports that "In the past week some 300 Lebanese civilians, including dozens of children, have been killed and hundreds injured in a large-scale bombing campaign by Israeli forces" and "Hizbullah’s armed wing, for its part, has killed 15 Israeli civilians, including three children, and injured hundreds in rocket attacks into Northern Israel, as well as 14 soldiers."But while this is enforced or negotiated, there will be no permanent improvement until the underlying causes are addressed.
To begin with, these actions on both sides are a clear violation of the human rights of all civilians in the area.
Without respect for human rights there is no restraint an external body can enforce.
But the real source of the conflict is described in an article by L. Ron Hubbard, printed in Freedom Magazine. This article called The Cause of Conflict" bears repeating here.
The article states:
"Violence and conflict amongst individuals and nations have been with us for ages and their causes have remained a complete mystery, a mystery finally solved in Scientology. "If Chaldea could vanish, if Babylon turn to dust, if Egypt could become a badlands, if Sicily could have 160 prosperous cities and be a looted ruin before the year zero and a near desert ever since—and all this in spite of all the work and wisdom and good wishes and intent of human beings, then it must follow as the dark follows sunset that something must be unknown to man concerning all his works and ways. And that this something must be so deadly and so pervasive as to destroy all his ambitions and his chances long before their time. "Such a thing would have to be some natural law unguessed at by himself. "And there is such a law, apparently, that answers these conditions of being deadly, unknown and embracing all activities. I don't want to reprint the entire article here, but any one serious about handling this conflict should read it here.