Friday, August 11, 2006

Improving Society

I chose this name for my blog because I really believe that if everyone worked on improving society, one person at a time, we would have a far better world.

My father used to say I was just being an idealist and that the world is just heading down and is going to stay down. My sister used to tell me that things were already getting better and it would take care of itself. My father's views were just defeatist. My sister's simply didn't match with what I saw around me.

So I just get on with helping people and doing as much as I can to improve things.

That's what I love about the Scientology Volunteer Ministers program -- it provides effective tools through the Scientology Handbook that empowers anyone to improve things around himself/herself.

With over 6 billion people on Earth, that's a lot of individual help that's needed to improve society. But if everyone can just grab the ball so we all help each other out it wouldn't take that long to make this place a decent place to live.