Scientology Tenets Gain Public Note
I found a good article about Scientology in the Fort Wayne Journal by Nancy Vendrely. Here are some highlights.
"Officially titled the Church of Scientology International and headquartered in Los Angeles, the church calls its beliefs 'an applied religious philosophy.' The church’s Web site defines Scientology as 'the study and handling of the spirit in relation to itself, universes and other life,' and states that 'Man is a spiritual being endowed with abilities well beyond those he normally envisages.'
She quotes Scientologist June Dold as saying:
"A person practices Scientology techniques so as to become more aware spiritually. "
The article goes on to say:
"Scientology defines God or the Supreme Being as the eighth dynamic. Each individual is expected to reach their own conclusion through religious practices. It evolves over time as you come to understand each of the dynamics. People come to their own awareness about God."
June Dold describes the Scientology handbook and says the emphasis in the Scientology religion "is on the application of exact methodologies in order to bring about change in the conditions of an individual’s life. The aim is to put a person into a condition where he can be more self-determined and live a happier, more fulfilling life . "