Scientology site that I found today.
At first glance, there are hardly two towns in the world that have less in common than Watts, California and Padova, Italy.
Watts is a classic American inner-city area. While community leaders are determined to create a cultural renaissance in Watts, media all-too often stereotyped this city by focusing on racial tension and gang violence between its Hispanic and African American populations.
On the other hand Padova, located 24 miles west of Venice, is a major political and cultural center, famous for its many Medieval and Renaissance churches, museums, and one of the oldest universities in all of Europe.
But as Ettore Botter, the Public Affairs Director of the
Church of Scientology of Padova, learned this week, the most important qualities of these cities is something they have in common — the dreams of their youth.
Botter had his own dream — to forge an alliance that would transcend the differences between his ancient Italian city and this California neighborhood using UNITED, an award-winning human rights hip-hop music video that is promoted by Youth for Human Rights International in coordination with the Church of
Scientology International. “Hip-hop music has become a universal language” said Botter. “Italian kids learn English these days by singing their favorite American songs.”
So when Youth for Human Rights International decided to hold a human rights workshop at Jordan High School in Watts, Botter insisted on participating and showing this film to the students.
In this music video paper airplanes serve as a symbol of tolerance, communication and solidarity among youth around the world, so Botter had the students write down their own dreams on pieces of paper made into a paper airplanes. He will bring these home with him to Italy when he returns next week, and have students in a Padova high school do the same and send their airplanes to Watts.

L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of the
Scientology religion once wrote ‘Human rights must be made a fact, not an idealistic dream,’” said Botter. “I believe the friendships they forge will give these youth the encouragement to make their own dreams and the dream of a better world come true.”