David Miscavige at the 2004 LRH Birthday Event
I just attended the LRH birthday event for 2004. It's a tradition in Scientology to commemorate
L. Ron Hubbard's birthday each year, and review the events of the past year as regards expansion of the
Scientology religion around the world. This year's event was a blockbuster, with a presentation by
David Miscavige on plans for the future - very exciting.
The effectiveness of
Scientology technology in handling problems is tremendous and so far-reaching, from handling literacy to drug rehabilitation, from patching up relationships to raising stable and
happy kids.
Most people I know have several areas of their life they would like to improve - some have given up, but if they had any idea that life could be better they'd do something about it. There are answers to these problems in Scientology, and you don't have to believe it - you just study the information and apply it.
Web Sites about David MiscavigeDavid Miscavige Opening Address for L. Ron Hubbard's Birthday 1994Profile of David MiscavigeDavid Miscavige Opening Address In Honor of L. Ron Hubbard's Birthday 1993David Miscavige, A Most Special Guest at the Grand Opening of the Church of Scientology Johannesburg
Religious Technology Center
On the web site of Religious Technology Center,
www.rtc.org , a very important aspect of Scientology is described, and one which explains much of what Mr. David Miscavige has accomplished as Chairman of the Board of RTC:
"The philosophy and technologies of Dianetics and Scientology were discovered and developed solely by L. Ron Hubbard. It is a fundamental belief of Scientologists that, if the technologies are applied exactly as he recorded them in Scientology scripture, they are universally workable and will improve conditions and result in greater spiritual awareness and ability for everyone.
"For this reason, Scientologists emphasize the orthodox and standard application of the Scientology scripture."
Mr. David Miscavige has done a tremendous amount of work to ensure that Scientology technology is applied exactly has specified by L. Ron Hubbard.
Social Betterment
Mr. David Miscavige has repeatedly called upon Scientologists to do all they can to take responsibility for the condition of society.
Applied Scholastics
An example of this is that Mr. Miscavige encourages Scientologists to help others with the technology they have learned. One thing the society urgently needs is the effective study technology developed by L. Ron Hubbard. Several years ago Mr. Miscavige announced that the International Association of Scientologists was going to sponsor a new campus for Applies Scholastics International in Spanish Lake, Missouri (Spanish Lake is part of greater St. Louis). At International Scientology events, David Miscavige often covers outstanding examples of what Applied Scholastics is doing to help people, and how it is addressing the serious problem of illiteracy on this planet.
Narconon International, at Arrowhead Oklahoma
All you have to do is read one of the success stories of a former addict, helped by Narconon, or speak to a recovered addict or someone in his or her family to know how vital it is that L. Ron Hubbard drug-rehabilitation technology, as delivered in Narconons around the world, is made available to
everyone in need of it.
Mr. Miscavige announced several years ago that Narconon's facilities were being greatly expanded and enhanced with the purchase and full renovation of Narconon Arrowhead. This would enable many more people to take advantage of its services.
Since the International headquarters of Narconon moved to Arrowhead so many people have come for help and to learn how to open centers of their own that Narconon is planning to add more buildings to accommodate the expansion.
The Way To Happiness
L. Ron Hubbard wrote a very simple and extremely effective booklet called
The Way To Happiness which is a non-religious moral code. What we are confronted with in society today is a complete breakdown of moral standards.
Yet Mr. Hubbard's research showed repeatedly that it is only by having and adhering to a moral code that the individual can achieve happiness.
This booklet is so simple and yet so profound. Every time it is distributed it calms down the area. It is the text of this booklet that is used by
Criminon a criminal-reform program supported by Scientology churches around the world.
Several years ago Mr. Miscavige announced that
The Way To Happiness Foundation was moving into brand new premises in Glendale, California, where it now has the facilities to be able to publish custom version of this booklet for any group, in any language. There are some pretty miraculous results accomplished by this booklet on a social level, and on an individual basis it is remarkably effective in helping the individual live a better and
happier life.